jaanuarikuu uuendused - SmartAccounts

January Updates

on 29.01.2024

Have a great year ahead! We are excited to bring you the first version update of the year, featuring several eagerly awaited developments. 

This time, there have been significant improvements to our payroll processing, and we introduce to you an interface with the Employment Register (TÖR). 

We have also expanded the capabilities of the pending purchases page, and a number of smaller enhancements have been completed (for example, it is now possible to compile reports for periods longer than just one year under other reports). More details follow.


Major developments in this update:

  • Payroll updates:
    • Employment Register and the updated employee card
    • Support for hourly pay
    • Displaying the calculation method for time off pay
    • Configurable expense accounts for payment types
    • Option to use multiple objects in salary calculations
  • Enhancements to the pending purchases page
  • Improvements related to invoice contact person
  • Functionality to create purchase documents from a sales documents and vice versa


Payroll-related updates

Employment Register and the updated employee card

Great news! We have implemented an interface with the Employment Register (TÖR). This means that when the interface is active, all new contracts are automatically sent to the Employment register. Please note that currently, contract changes and terminations must be manually processed in the Employment Register.

The TÖR interface is automatically active for all companies already using the Tax and Customs Board interface. To deactivate the Employment Register interface, go to Settings – Connected Services – Tax and Customs Board.

More on the EMTA interface

Changes in the employee card were also required due to the integration with Employment Register. The contract section has been updated, and employees can now be assigned a specific employment type valid in the Employment Register. Additionally, workload, job title, and workplace address fields have been added. These are required for automatically sending new employee contracts to TÖR.


Hourly pay support

You can now set up contracts with hourly salaries for employees.

More on setting up hourly salaries


Configurable expense accounts for payment types

You can now easily configure the expense accounts for all payment types according to your preferences through the Payroll – Payroll settings page.


Calculation details of the time off pay

We now display the calculation details for the time off pay on the payroll page more clearly than before. It displays the specific base months for calculating holiday pay and the worked days and received salaries, offering greater clarity in holiday pay calculations.


Multiple objects in salary calculations

While previously it was possible to add only one object related to the employee on the payroll, now it is possible to use a separate object for each payout line.


Pending purchases page

Until now, the pending purchases page could only be used with SmartAccounts’ own invoices app or via CosPocket, but now we have slightly updated the capabilities of this page. Namely, users can now also upload JPG, PNG and GIF format files, i.e., pictures and create invoices from them.

If you are logged into SmartAccounts from a tablet or phone, you can also conveniently take a picture of the document while on the page. It should be noted that this solution will replace our check app solution, which is already outdated today.


Contact persons on sales invoices

As an important and practical addition, we have introduced the option to add a contact person to invoices. This information is also seamlessly integrated into the e-invoice file.

To display the contact person’s information on the invoice PDF, activate this feature under Settings – Document Templates by setting ‘Display contact person on sales document PDFs’ to ‘Yes’.

This contact person feature is also available for quotes, orders, purchase invoices and recurring invoices.


Creating a purchase invoice from a sales invoices and vice versa

Ever wished for a one-click solution to create a purchase invoice from a sales invoice, or vice versa? Now it’s possible. Additionally, you can create a purchase order from a sales order and a purchase invoice, and a purchase order from a sales invoice, streamlining the document creation process.


Smaller enhancements:

Removing report generation limitations

We’ve removed the previous 1-year limitation for compiling different reports on the other reports page. Now, you can comfortably compile reports for periods longer than a year. For very extensive reports, we create a separate report file, available for download on the same page.


E-invoice import – row descriptions will remains the same

Previously, changing the item on an e-invoice row would also change its description. We’ve improved this aspect and now the description remains unchanged when you modify the item of a row.


Export of payment orders – time of file creation

We’ve added a feature to the payment order export page that indicates the last time a payment order file was created for a specific row. This addition helps prevent situations where an invoice might be sent to the bank multiple times for payment.


For any questions regarding these updates, please contact us at info@smartaccounts.eu or call us at 660 3303.


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SmartAccountsJanuary Updates